Prices - MVJ
  • +359 878 272 822
  • гр. София, Студентски град




ПосещенияЦенаЗа 1 с картаВалидност
Тренировки с треньор в група:
1 тренировка12 лв.12 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки46 лв.11,5 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки88 лв.11 лв.1 месец
12 тренировки120 лв.10 лв.1 месец
16 тренировки144 лв.9 лв.2 месеца
Свободен достъп без треньор всеки ден от 7:30 до 16:30 ч.:
1 тренировка9 лв.9 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки32 лв.8 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки56 лв.7 лв.1 месец
12 тренировки78 лв.6.5 лв.1 месеца
16 тренировки96 лв.6 лв.2 месеца
Индивидуални тренировки с треньор:
1 тренировка35 лв.35 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки120 лв.30 лв.1 месец
Тренировки за деца с треньор в група:
1 тренировка10 лв.10 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки36 лв.9 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки64 лв.8 лв.1 месец
12 тренировки84 лв.7 лв.2 месеца

*Мултиспорт карти важат, а Содексо карти НЕ важат за кондиционната зала.


ПосещенияЦенаЗа 1 с картаВалидност
Стандартни карти за групови тренировки:
1 тренировка7 лв.7 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки24 лв.6 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки44 лв.5,5 лв.1 месец
16 тренировки78 лв.4,87 лв.2 месеца
Kangoo Jumps с включен наем на обувки:
1 тренировка11 лв.11 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки40 лв.10 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки72 лв.9 лв.1 месец
* Наем на обувки за Стандартна карта
* Карти за наем на обувки 4 тренировки
* Multisport за Kangoo Jumps без доплащане
* Sodexo sport pass за Kangoo Jumps с наем на обувки.
4 лв.
16 лв.
0 лв.
4 лв.
4 лв.
4 лв.
0 лв.
4 лв.
1 тренировка
1 месец
1 тренировка
1 тренировка
Карти за ДЕЦА до 12 г.:
1 тренировка6 лв.6 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки 20 лв.5 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки36 лв.4,5 лв.1 месец
Дете-родител (деца до 12 г.):   
1 тренировка11 лв.11 лв.1 тренировка
4 тренировки40 лв.10 лв.1 месец
8 тренировки78 лв.9,75 лв.1 месец
Индивидуални и сватбени уроци до 2 човека:   
1 тренировка48 лв.48 лв.1 тренировка
3 тренировки 125 лв.41 лв.1 месец
5 тренировки180 лв.36 лв.2 месеца

* Мултиспорт и Содексо карти важат за всички групови тренировки за танци и аеробика.

  • The holders of a card or package automatically agree to the conditions of use.
  • All types of cards and one-time visits should be paid before the workout.
  • The validity of the card starts from the issue date and the cards can be charged with lots of workouts at the same time.
  • The purchase of one-time ticket and presentation of the cards should take place before the workout.
  • The card cannot be given to someone else and it is valid for one person.
  • MVJ SPORT is not responsible for lost cards. Persons who do not present their cards or pay for one-time visit are not allowed to the workouts. In case a card is unavailable, the holder can present some documents with a photo and name which certify that he/she is the person he/ she is presenting and the visit can be removed from the card.
  • The cards are valid within 1 or 2 months of the date of purchase. The expiration date of the card can be extended if some classes are not held due to studio’s fault. Visits cannot be refunded and extended due to illness or other personal reasons.
  • The holders of cards have the right to visit all types of workouts, i.e. different styles.
  • Before you start training, get familiar with the set of rules of the studio as well as the safety rules.
  • It is forbidden to train with outer shoes!
  • The card cannot be given to another person and is valid for one person.
  • If the card has been lost or is unavailable, we could recover the plastic or remove visits if only an identity card is presented (or other document with a photo).
  • Persons with invalid cards due to expired date are not admitted to the workouts. Once the card has been launched, its validity cannot be further extended.
  • The cards are valid within 1 or 2 months from the date pf purchase. The expiration date of the card can be extended if some classes are not held due to studio’s fault. Visits cannot be refunded and extended due to illness or other personal reasons. The system does not allow extension.
  • Holders of cards have the right to visit all types of workouts, i.e. different styles (for Kangoo Jumps and Freestyler you should pay additionally for shoes/board rental for standard cards) cards are not purchased for certain type of workout. The client decides alone how many types of workouts can visit and how many times a week will visit the studio. For example, if certain workout is held once a week and the client visits only this one, he/she can purchase a card with 4 workouts. If he/she visits more workouts can purchase a card with more visits. The studio does not extend the card and does not refund any money due to incorrect judgment of the client.
  • In case of a gift/voucher card, its validity can be started up to one month after its purchase, but not later. Once the card has been launched, its validity cannot be further extended.
  • It is not allowed to train with outer or dirty shoes. If there is a person with dirty shoes, at the discretion of the instructor, his/her access to the class may be denied.
  • Intoxicated people are not allowed
  • People with traumas or diseases which could threaten their personal health, it is necessary to warn the instructors. If it is necessary some exercises can be considered or an appropriate class to be recommended.
  • The instructors are not responsible in case of any traumas occur during the classes. The workouts comply with the amateur sports/dance level and they would not cause any serious injuries or traumas.
  • Smoking is not allowed in the building of the Winter Sports Palace.

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